Should You Be Grateful for the Hardest Thing in Your Life?


Hey friends!

One trait of highly successful people is having a positive outlook on life, always moving forward, always learning – especially when it’s hard. We’re not typically grateful for the “worst” things in our lives. If we want to have a growth mindset, we should be.

A couple of years ago I was volunteering at an event in a community center. I was standing outside, acting as a greeter. Our session was on the second floor and I was waiting on a balcony, watching a pack of young adults socializing and messing around in the courtyard below. They were laughing and talking, moving seamlessly between groups of two or three at a time. They had just finished a game of basketball inside and they were still amped up.

There was something a bit unique about this group. They were all in wheelchairs. One young man, about 25 years old, named Tim, rode the elevator up to where I was, curious about what was going on. We started talking about the world and the way it worked, along with its many mysteries. We became fast friends and our conversation ran deep almost immediately. Tim didn’t mess around. I found out pretty quickly about his life. His body didn’t work in the same way as mine. Tim couldn’t walk, couldn’t really process food properly, and had a host of other pretty severe (in my opinion) health issues. He was “differently abled”, and in a way (from my limited perspective) that I would not wish on anyone.

Tim was talking about reincarnation and how it might work. I asked him “Ok, let’s say after this life, you’re in between lives and you’re planning out the next one. Knowing what you know now, would you choose this type of body again?” He tilted his head, narrowed his eyes and pondered very deeply. “Well, I wouldn’t choose this one. But I’d choose one of these other types of bodies.” With a wave of his arm he pointed to his friends below. “Each one is pretty different, and I think there’s a lot to learn there.”…

Read the full story at the link below.

- Scott

